Dê forma à sua pesquisa! Dos produtos, às soluções, dos projectos, aos serviços ou documentos. Pesquisa por todo o site Secil e encontre facilmente o que procura.
Whether it is through continuous customer support, specialised technical advice or developing specific studies and analyses of materials, we are always there for those who need us.
Customer Support
Secil provides a centralised contact for its customers which serves to provide immediate clarification or, if necessary, to direct them to specific areas.
We provide designers and construction owners with a complete Project Support service. The specialised team of Technical Prescribers guarantees technical advice across the whole of Secil's offer, for the most detailed and accurate specification of the solutions in the project documents. Innovative, creative and personalised solutions are presented, in a constant sharing of trends, making each project unique.
The CIND, a RILEM member and an IPAC accredited laboratory since 2011, guarantees customers the support in solving technical problems associated with the application of cement and concrete, the continuous development of new cementitious products, concrete composition studies and the optimization of production processes.
Secil, through the Quality Laboratory and the Environment Laboratory, is prepared to carry out problem diagnosis, critical analysis and the tests and experiments that are necessary to find the most appropriate solutions for any case.
Our laboratories are accredited by IPAC.